Friday, November 24, 2006

Second Meeting

Second meeting

Date: 10/11/2006 Time: 18:30

Today we discussed about the contents of our multimedia CD. we divided the multimedia CD in seven sections which are:

1- Main Page
2- Map
3- List
4- Information
5- Interactive questions
6- Movie
7- About us

- Main Page:
we are going to design the main page after we make other sections.

- Map:
We decided to draw the map of Putrajaya and show the important places on the map. When users click on a place in the map they can see the information and also photos of that place. The benefit is tourists can find places on the map and make a schedule and visit all of them. If they want to use their own car they can find their destination by using the map and following the roads.

- List:
we want to make a list of places and categorize them with a small photo of that place. The advantage of this section is if a user only knows the name of a place and wants to get information about it. The user can easily search in the list section and by click on the name of place can get information. Because data are sorted in this section users can go inside a title and get information about that specific section. For instance if a person wants to get information about bridges in Putrajaya he/she can goes under the title "bridges" and see all of the bridges in Putrajaya in that section.

we are going to put photos and texts about each place in one page in this section.

- Interactive Question:
is the entertainment part of this CD. We are going to ask some useful and important questions about Putrajaya in this section. People can improve their knowledge about Putrajaya by using this section.

- Movie:
we decided to have some movie in this section. And also we want to make movie by using photos of Putrajaya and background music. It is useful for the people who can not go to Putrajaya at least they can have a virtual tour to this place. Or maybe the movie section can persuade someone to come and visit.

- About us:
we want to make some information about ourselves in this section.

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